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Family Show

Choreographic performance for families prepared during the workshop process with children aged 1.5-10 and their guardians. During these meetings, the members of the group got to know the work of contemporary choreographers, improvised, worked, learning the Contakids method and other somatic practices, but most of allall of them recognized their own movement needs in a game that involved both adults and children and children.
The choreography consists of actions, the order of which is the result of random choices of participantsperformed while the performance is taking place, thanks to which there is a lot of room for improvisation,and the meeting is unique and unique. The intensity of involvement depends on each individual -i wantedy create a democratic and free space where any activity (or lack of it) is accepted.

Premiere versions of the project:
group ppioneering- The project was implemented thanks to the support of the Creative Scholarship of the City of Krakow. The premiere took place in December 2020.
Biennale Group- The project was produced by the Children's Art Center in Poznań as part of the 23rd Biennale of Art for Children. The premiere took place in May 2021.
Both shows were held live via the Zoom platform. She supervised the creative process Justyna Czarnota, in the Biennale version she was also responsible for the production Sandra Lewandowska
In July 2022, together with Families from Opole and the Cultural Education Center of the Teatr im. J. Kochanowski, we attempted a live experiment.

For our family, the Contact Families Show project was above all a fun time with our children, both for us and our boys it was great fun, madness and emotions, it's also great for childrena tool to develop their creativity and motor skills, awakened an artistic soul in us as parents, activities and exercises that we performed in close contact developedalso our emotional bond and closeness and they were getting closerus as a family, it's a valuable experience (Monika)

For me, it was incredible, pure joy and great energy: here are completely strange families meeting each other and starting to create a dance project, in such different seemingly different conditions as online conditions. For me as a mother, it was also an extraordinary lesson in humility. Children do not always want to cooperate, sometimes they prefer to go read a book instead of improvising, sometimes we had a great time, sometimes for most of the exercises and tasks it was just us, adults, and our daughter did her own business. It was great being with youclose to each other, we searched for solutions together, and most of all, we had a great time! Asked if she liked it, Alicja replied: "the tornado quilt was nice. And that we were together." Yes, the word "together" is definitely the best description of what this project meant to us. (Magda)

It was surprising in terms of form, because these exercises made a person quickly loosen up and relax, and we didn't need great preparations and an exercise room for that. There was only action and freedom, not an explanation of what to do and how. Such acceptance, whether something comes out or not is not so important and allows you to open up. I liked that we didn't come here to teachsteps and make sure that the steps match with earlierplan. We operated freelyspontaneity and openness gave birth to mindfulness, and this caused novelty and curiosity all the time. One exercise has become part of our daily routine, and my daughter even plays with her friends in this way. (Julia)

The Krakow composer also performs in the shows Francis Araszkiewicz who composes music in real time based on brainwave signals. Basedalso on previously collected test material, during which he recorded signals from the brainwaves of children and adults in motion.

We offer two types of cooperation with us:

Presentation of the performance with the participation of families from the pioneer group, we accept invitations to participate in festivals, reviews and individual shows via the zoom platform and live.
Przygotowanie performansu z lokalną, wybraną przez organizatora społecznością, zaproszone do udziału nowe rodziny they go through the entire workshop process until the final show with their participation. Possibility to develop a presentation both via the zoom platform, as well as in a live version.
The performance lasts about 40 minutes and is based on improvisation according to the guidelines of the prepared script.

Reading room

Sandra Lewandowska,Meeting with the child in the space of movement, Czas Kultury, no. 4/2022

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