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Let's explore bed positionsis a choreographic research process, whose first rehearsal took place at Tender Hotel Grand Re-Union 2021. As part of her work in the process, Anna Wańtuch presented a performance streamed live in real time using the Zoom platform. 


The action is anchored in the narrative of slowing down and caring for yourself and others that has emerged during the ongoing pandemic. The author of the performance begins with a collision with the accumulation of dutiesand stimuli that contradict the poetics of slowing down, causing frustration. 


As a self-provocation, he decides to performrest by exploring bed positions/putting your body into a lying state. Simultaneous focus and dedicationlying down reverses the situation, reducing lying/resting/sleeping to an active activityandrequiring effort.


Moving the action into the home space opens up the field for exploring the performance of privacy and everyday life. The viewer is drawn into someone's house, but has the opportunity to watch from a distance.

Various possibilities of experiencing, whether through "peeping" or joining, both actively by sharing one's screen, but also exploring at the same time in one's own home space, creates a kind of communal co-experience, posing the question of actionin inaction, watching with compassion, sharing while separating.

Placing the body in a lying position is also a huge field of choreographic exploration, where the body is viewed by the viewer mainlyin a horizontal position, which gives new possibilities also for the way the viewer perceives movement. The text base consists of 10 bed scores and the Bed Manifesto.

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