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Let's Explore
Bed Positions




Let's explore bed positions is a choreographic research process. The first trial took place during the Tender Hotel - Love, Care & Discomfort.  The project by Grand Re-Union took place in 2021. It was 24h streaming by Zoom with proposals from many artists. The live version was trialed in 2023 during artistic residency in Industra Brno.

A few weeks before the event I made smaller attempts to "check" the lying down, by taking pictures of myself with the eyes closed or lying in many spaces of the house and I wrote "Bed Manifesto" and "Bed Scores" which are a set of tasks to practice, which I hope would be developed under the influence of new experiments.

The starting point was the collision with the “too many” duties that conflict with the poetics of slowing down and was causing frustrations. I immediately felt the overload within my body. I became interested in everyday paths, repeated in a small home space again and again. Slowing down and resting became my "impossible" move. Absurdly "doing nothing" has become the most difficult task.
As part of self-provocation, I decided to perform rest through exploration of bed positions. Putting my body into
a lying state became my activity and was demanding an effort. I also wanted to focus on the failure aspect, take
a closer look at how something that failed becomes a kind of success. Moving the action into the home space opened the field of performing privacy and everyday life.
The first streaming experience was very personal, I noticed many colloquial meanings of various phrases related to the bed and in what situations we say them. Bed is the place where we are often born, get sick, have sex or die, it also put a question of sharing or the separation of space, it is the sphere of intimacy. The decision to sleep together makes promises of closeness and security, but at the same time reduces the space for your own body. Sleeping alone promises rest and privacy, but at the same time can remind you about loneliness. As a mother I felt this dilemma very strongly.
The positioning of the body is also a field of choreographic exploration, where the performer is viewed by the viewer mainly horizontally, while lying body opens up new possibilities for the way the viewer perceives movement.
I would like to check various ways of experience for viewers: whether by simply "watching" but also by sharing similar activity in the same time. It creates a kind of communal experience, asking questions about acting in non-acting.
The final performance is thought to take the form of a performative installation, during which viewers are given the opportunity to freely make their own choices, when and how long they want to stay during the show and what kind of participation they choose for themselves. The scenery consists places for viewers to lie down, resembling a kind of bed maneuvering area. At the same time, the previously prepared choreography takes place in the same space on the performer's bed, taking into account the potential disruption of artist’s children.
Pictures from on-line version, Tender Hotel
Pictures from live version,  Industra Brno
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